The 6th PMRN Special Seminar by Professor Ian Condry (MIT)
Sound, Learning and Democracy:
Spatial Mixes, Mobile Speakers, and our Post-Media Future
Ian Condry, Professor, Global Studies and Languages, MIT
Date: 28 January 2019 (MON) 18:00-19:30
Venue: Meeting Room, Daigaku Kaikan 2F, Music Faculty Ueno Campus, Tokyo University of the Arts
Organized by: Post-Media Research Network (PMRN)
Graduate School of Global Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts:
Chaired by: Yoshitaka Mōri
HP: http://postmedia-research.net
Language: English
All welcome.
New experiments in sound performance illustrate the curvature of social space time. Using examples from Tokyo, Boston, and Berlin, this talk will explore the idea that “learning and expertise” offer approaches to democratic social change that goes beyond socialist responses to capitalism in a post-media world.
Ian Condry is a cultural anthropologist interested in globalization from below, that is, cultural movements that go global without the push of major corporations or governments. He has written books on hip-hop as it developed in Japan (Hip-Hop Japan, 2006) and Japanese animation as a global force (The Soul of Anime, 2013). His current research explores music and inequality, that is, examining how new social and economic approaches to music offer insights into the varieties of capitalism, and their differing contributions to inequality. Condry teaches courses that emphasize ethnographic approaches to media and culture, including Japanese popular culture, anime and cinema, as well as a graduate-level seminar in media theory and methods. He founded and organizes the MIT Cool Japan research project, which studies the critical potential of popular culture. He also co-directs, with TL Taylor, the Creative Communities Initiative, using ethnography to advance new solutions to old problems.

This seminar is supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Numbers 17H02587